In the mood to meditate?

The debut album from OPERATION42, Mood 1: Music For Yoga and Meditation, is out now and available through bandcamp and all your favorite streaming services.

All the tracks on Mood 1 follow a theme of being very ambient and chill and would all be quite good for yoga, meditation or deep thought. The tracks are all mostly improvised and were recorded back in June this year (with the exception of movement 6, recorded on 28th October).

OPERATION42 will be working on putting together a second Mood album from other semi-improvised works and hopes to put that out next year sometime.

On a side note there is now a Marionette’s Manifesto Instagram setup that can be visited here.

2nd February 2021: “Carbon”, New Cover Song.

New release from Nebulae Music

Joseph Bagwell has re-released an old “lost” album from 2014 titled “Carbon”. The album sees it’s re-release through the Nebulae Music catalog. It was recorded between April and June 2014 and released circa July 2014, later on in the year Joseph had felt he disliked the work and removed it from stores. After a recent re listen he realized he had been too harsh on the work and felt it was a decent set of music, hence the re-release. You can purchase “Carbon” by Nebulae Music (cat. MM008) from bandcamp here.

New cover by Joseph Bagwell – “Nutshell” by Alice In Chains

Joseph Bagwell has also released a new solo acoustic cover on YouTube, as seen below.

You can also download the mixed audio as WAV or MP3 from the Free Downloads page.

That is all from us for now, make sure to stay tuned to the website and our Facebook page for upcoming news!

New Year Nigh! (Wine and Winter)

As 2017 draws to a close i finish an EP of ambient music i have been working on last half of December.

Winter Also EP

Winter Also is a return to my early ambient improvisation style but includes some more abstract sound sources as appose to just vst instruments with lots of reverb on. The EP is my 6th in the Nebulae Music/HAMG Electronic series of releases, back tracking to my first album “Summit” as being the “First” HAMGEL release (obviously i made it before HAMGEL, but it fits with the catalogue).

a notable sound source used on the EP is on “December Sleet” where i decided to use wineglasses to get sustained drones, more on that in a later post.

I got the idea for the EP last day of semester when i recorded some improvised synth pad at the college. I began with the Nord Lead then added some Juno 106 along with a VST organ. Afterwards extra vst layers, guitar and the wine glasses were recorded at home.

Hope to work on another EP and album over next year, more of the rock stuff to come along with hopefully some gigs aswell 😉

See you all in the new year!


As I am not far from finishing my first album “Recluses Handbook” I decided to release a single from the album. “Weightless” is a sad song and a happy song at the same time. The Band and I all enjoy playing this one live and hope you enjoy listening to it.

The B-Side “Recluses Lament” is an ambient piece recorded under Nebulae Music. I decided to release this with “Weightless” as i felt it had a similar contrasting mix of feelings.

Hope you enjoy both the single and b-side, links down below and more to come in the future…

Download/Purchase Links